sábado, 19 de junho de 2010
sexta-feira, 18 de junho de 2010
Brazil's Towns for Dogs
Hundreds of tightly packed zinc-roofed shacks dot a hillside slum, one of thousands of “favelas” that are home to samba stars, drug lords and millions of poor Brazilians. But this slum in the southern city of Caxias do Sul is a home for dogs, not humans.
Without enough money to build a proper shelter for 1,600 abandoned pooches, the humane organization So Ama, or “Just Love,” keeps the animals chained to an array of about 1,000 small dog houses that look like the Brazilian slums.
Favelas, which are a common sight throughout Brazil’s major cities, are home to millions of urban poor and rural migrants who leave the countryside seeking jobs…
Many of the slums are plagued by violence linked to drug trafficking.
Like in human shantytowns, the main challenge facing the dog favela is making ends meet. Oselame says costs, including veterinarian’s fees and 13 tonnes of pet food a month, are far greater than the donations and the roughly $14,000 she receives monthly from the municipal government.
quinta-feira, 17 de junho de 2010
How Green is your abodo?
MYABODO is an interactive toy that lets you shape a house to suit you.Change your stuff and see how it shapes the climate.
When you're done, join an abodo neighbourhood, share your abodo with other people and get started with changing the world for real.
Brazil's World Cup football team to sport 'green' and yellow stri
"Brazil, Portugal and the Netherlands among teams to wear Nike's shirts made from recycled plastic bottles"
"When Kaka and Ronaldinho stride out onto the pitch for the World Cup in South Africa this summer, few of their millions of fans are likely to notice that their yellow jerseys are made from old plastic bottles."
The move was welcomed by the green fashion industry. A spokesperson for the Ethical Fashion Forum, an industry body that promotes sustainability, said the recycled shirts were "definitely a step in the right direction." She added that Nike had taken huge steps in recent years to improve its record on worker rights.
Nina Stevenson, from the Centre for Sustainable Fashion at London College of Fashion, said the material in the shirts is a genuinely "green" choice by Nike. "Using recycled PET in performance wear is a recognised innovation with real environmental benefits. By using existing resources, Nike are supporting closed loop design that is not compromising ecological balance," said Stevenson.
In a recent interview with the Guardian, Nike's vice-president of sustainable business and innovation, Hannah Jones, said green initiatives such as the shirts made business sense for the company. "The link between sustainability and Nike as a growth company has never been clearer and there is a real business case to be made for making Nike a more sustainable company," she said. Jones also described carbon offsetting, which Nike ditched last year, as a "last resort". And she argued that a decision last year by Nike to resign from the US Chamber of Commerce's board over its stance on climate change, rather than pulling out entirely as companies such as Apple did, had enabled it to continue "a productive dialogue". However, she admitted the chamber was yet to change its mind, which has seen the body campaigning against legislation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the US.
African Host City
Os jogos da Copa do Mundo ocorrerão em 9 cidades sedes:
Conheça cada uma delas:
É a única cidade que terá dois estádios usados durante o para realização dos jogos do Mundial.
• Joanesburgo: É o centro econômico da África e capital da provincial de Gauteng. Porém ao contrário do que algumas pessoas pensam, não é a capital da África do Sul.
É a única cidade que terá dois estádios usados durante o para realização dos jogos do Mundial.
• Bloemfontein: É a capital judicial da África do Sul e também capital da província do Estado Livre.
Seu nome significa “Fonte das Flores”, e tem milhares de pés de rosas plantados pelas suas ruas.
• Pretória: Capital administrativa do país é uma pequena cidade ao norte de Joanesburgo, na província de Gauteng, e tem uma cobiçada, fascinante e envolvente história.
• Cidade do Cabo: É a capital legislativa da África do Sul, formando, junto com Bloemfontein e Pretória 3 capitais nacionais.
É a cidade mais velha e amada dos sul-africanos, constituída por belas construções, longas praias de areia clara e uma rica vida cultura, que faz do local, o destino preferido dos turistas.
• Port Elizabeth: Cidade da província do Cabo Oriental, localizada na baía de Alagoa, no sul do país.
• Nelspruit: Capital da província de Mpumalanga, situada no vale do Rio Crocodilo a aproximadamente 300 km de Joanesburgo.
• Durban: Cidade de clima tropical e banhada pelas águas aquecidas do Oceano Índico, é um dos melhores lugares da África do Sul para se passar o inverno.
A cidade tem o maior porto do continente africano.
• Rustenburg: Cidade sul-africana localizada nas cadeias montanhosas de Magaliesberg, no noroeste do país, onde pode se encontrar as duas maiores minas de platina do mundo.
• Polokwane: Cidade construída a partir de um campo de concentração criado para abrigar mulheres e crianças durante a Guerra dos boers é a capital da província de Limpopo e localiza-se próximo ao Parque Nacional Kruger, a maior área de conservação de fauna bravia da África do Sul.
By A25 - English 3
A34 -Redação 2
A 43 - Redação1
A 51 - Literatura 1
Eco friendly houses are the best choice
Eco friendly houses are the best choice. These houses are constructed using natural materials. The abrupt climatic changes have given a thought for concern for many. The increasing global temperature is disturbing the whole equilibrium. According to studies, usage of eco-friendly products is known to decrease the harmful effect of poisonous gases.
Eco friendly house also bring about sustainable energy solutions. People opting to construct such houses can use natural materials like wood, solar products, and so on for the construction of home. You can also get the latest eco news about construction of houses by looking online. This will help reduce the harmful impact of global warming, climate change, and so on. Organic, all-natural, or eco-friendly products can also help cut down the excessive expenses involved. The products used will be less wasteful and less toxic than mainstream products.
The 19th World Cup will take place between 11 June and 11 July
Bafana Bafana
The South Africa national football team or Bafana Bafana (a term of endearment which means "the boys") is the national team of South Africa and is controlled by the South African Football Association (SAFA). They returned to the world stage in 1992, after years of being banned from FIFA for the apartheid system. In 2010, South Africa became the first African nation to host the FIFA World Cup when it hosted the 19th FIFA World Cup in June 2010.
Apartheid Museum
The Apartheid Museum 's genesis
In 1995 the South African government set up a process for the granting of casino licenses, establishing an agency to do this called the Gambling Board. The bid documents stipulated that bidders should demonstrate how they would attract tourism and thereby grow the economy and stimulate job creation.
The Apartheid Museum opened in 2001 and is acknowledged as the pre-eminent museum in the world dealing with 20 th century South Africa , at the heart of which is the apartheid story.
In 1995 the South African government set up a process for the granting of casino licenses, establishing an agency to do this called the Gambling Board. The bid documents stipulated that bidders should demonstrate how they would attract tourism and thereby grow the economy and stimulate job creation.
A consortium, called Akani Egoli, put in a bid that included the commitment to building a museum. Their bid was successful, the Gold Reef City casino was built and an adjacent piece of land given for the construction
The cost of the construction of what became the Apartheid Museum - approximately 80 million rand - was paid for by Akani Egoli.
The museum is registered as a Section 21 company (incorporated not for gain) with an independent board of trustees, the chairman of which is Dr John Kani. The company is separate from Akani Egoli, who has leased the museum to the Section 21 company for the duration of the casino licence. The museum therefore relies on donations, contributions and sponsorships to sustain its growth.
The Pillars of the Constitution
Between 1994 and 1996 South Africa's first fully democratic parliament, sitting as the Constitutional Assembly, drew up South Africa's new constitution. It contains guarantees of equality more extensive than anywhere else in the world. At its heart are seven fundamental values which are represented by the pillars in the first courtyard visitors encounter on arrival at the museum: democracy, equality, reconciliation, diversity, responsibility, respect and freedom.
Their liberation in 1994 with the election of Nelson Mandela, the prisoner who became president, is a climax in the saga of a nation's resistance, courage and fortitude. The Apartheid Museum , the first of its kind, illustrates the rise and fall of apartheid.
The White man is the master in South Africa, and the white man, from the very nature of his birth, and from the very nature of his guardianship, will remain master in South Africa to the end.
[House of Assembly Debates,15/3/50 col.3610]
By Eliane França
History of South África
The first European navigators, mainly Portuguese, arrived in South Africa in the fifteenth century. Diogo Cão reached the South African coast in 1485 and in 1488 was the turn of Bartolomeu Dias.
The history of the country begins in the seventeenth century with the permanent occupation of the region of Cape of Good Hope by the Dutch. In 1909 the union of British colonies of Cape, Natal, Transvaal and Orange River originate from the nation of South Africa.
From 1948 to 1993/1994, the political and social structure is based on apartheid, the system of legalized racial discrimination that kept the field of white minority in the political, economic and social development.
In 1983, it adopted a new constitution that guarantees a policy of limited rights for minorities in Asia but continues to exclude blacks from exercising political rights and civil rights. Most black therefore not entitled to vote or parliamentary representation. The white ruling party during the apartheid is the National Party as the major black political organization is the African National Congress (ANC), which for almost fifty years was considered illegal.
Later, in 1990 under the leadership of President F. W. de Klerk, the South African government begins to dismantle the Apartheid system, freeing Nelson Mandela, ANC leader, accepting and legalizing the organization as well as other anti-apartheid.
The next steps towards national unity are given in 1991. The opening of negotiations between representatives of all communities, with the aim of drafting a democratic constitution, marking the end of an era in South Africa.
In 1993, the government and black opposition agree on mechanisms to ensure the transition to a political system without discrimination. It created an executive committee between, with mostly black, to oversee the first multiparty elections and multiracial, and it also created a body in charge of drafting a constitution that guarantees the end of apartheid.
In April 1994 multiracial elections are made for the new Parliament. The ANC won the elections and Nelson Mandela, forming a national unity government becomes the first black South African president.
In 2004, the year that President Thabo Mbeki has completed five years as successor to Nelson Mandela, president of the Republic of South Africa promised to end all the violence of a political nature that might still exist in this country.
Historical Facts
Europeans arriving in the region in 1487, when the Portuguese navigator Bartolomeu Dias rounds the Cape of Good Hope. Point on the trade route to India and inhabited by several black groups (Bushmen, Khoi, Xhosa, Zulu), the region is populated by Dutch immigrants, the French and Germans in the seventeenth century. These white settlers (known as Boers or Afrikaners) are fixed in the region and develop a lump itself, Afrikaans. In 1806, the British take to Cape Town and fighting Boers and blacks. The clashes led the Boers to emigrate en masse to the northeast (Great Day in 1836), where he founded two independent republics, Transvaal and Orange Free State. The entry of the British in the Transvaal causes tension and results in the Boer War, which ended with the British victory
Nelson Mandela
Was born on July 18, 1918 in the town of Qunu (South Africa). Mandela, trained in law, was president of South Africa between the years 1994 and 1999.
Struggle against apartheid
Apartheid, which means "separate life" was the existing system of racial segregation in South Africa, which forced blacks to live apart. Whites controlled the power, while the rest of the population enjoyed no more political rights, economic, and social.
Still a law student, Mandela began his fight against apartheid. In 1942, actually came to the opposition, joining the African National Congress (anti-apartheid movement). In 1944 he participated in the foundation, along with Oliver Tambo and Walter Sisulu, the ANC Youth League.
Throughout the 1950s, Nelson Mandela was a leading member of the anti-apartheid movement. Participated in the dissemination of the "Freedom Charter" in 1955, defended the document by which a program by the end of the apartheid regime.
Mandela has always advocated the peaceful struggle against apartheid. But his opinion changed on March 21, 1960. On this day, South African police fired on black protesters, killing 69 people. This day, known as the Sharpeville Massacre ", caused Mandela spent advocating armed struggle against the system.
In 1961, Mandela became commander of the ANC's armed wing, known as "Spear of the Nation." Began to seek international funding to finance the fight. But in 1962, was arrested and sentenced to five years in prison for encouraging strikes and travel abroad without permission. In 1964, Mandela was tried again and sentenced to life imprisonment for planning armed action.
Mandela remained imprisoned from 1964 to 1990. In these 26 years, became the symbol of the anti-apartheid struggle in South Africa Even in prison, managed to send letters to organize and promote the fight to end racial segregation in the country. In this period of imprisonment, received support from various social groups and governments around the world.
With increasing international pressure, the then South African president Frederik de Klerk called on February 11, 1990 release of
Nelson Mandela and the withdrawal of the illegality of the ANC (African National Congress). In 1993, President Nelson Mandela and Frederik de Klerk shared the Nobel Peace Prize, for his efforts to end racial segregation in South Africa.
In 1994, Mandela became the first black president of South Africa ruled the country until 1999, being responsible for the end of the apartheid regime in the country and the reconciliation of internal groups.
With the resignation of President Mandela departed from the policy devoting himself to causes of various social organizations in support of human rights.
He has received several international honors and congratulations for the recognition of his life fighting for social rights.
Some phrases of Nelson Mandela
"I dream of the day when all people will rise up and realize that were made to live as brothers."
- "Uma boa cabeça e um bom coração formam uma formidável combinação."
- "Não há caminho fácil para a Liberdade."
"The Fall of oppression has been sanctioned by humanity and is the highest aspiration of every free man."
- "The struggle is my life. I will continue to fight for freedom until the end of my days."
- "Education is the strongest weapon you can use to change the world."
International Day of Nelson Mandela
Beginning in 2010, will be celebrated on July 18 of each year the International Day of Nelson Mandela. The date was set by the UN General Assembly and is the day of his birth.
By: Andressa, Beatriz e Francielle
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